All about healthy, safe weightloss
You 'know' that the only way to lose weight and maintain a normal weight is to eat less and exercise more, right? But you probably also have discovered that this way means you are continually hungry, and there's no way you can stay on this sort of diet. So you don't — and then the weight goes back on again.
So you end up yo-yo dieting, while being miserable and getting fatter.
But it shouldn't be that way. No animal in the wild is overweight – but no-one tells them what, when or how much to eat. For example, it doesn't matter how many antelopes there are around, you will never see a fat lion.
It's the same with humans. You don't find overweight humans amongst indigenous populations who eat their traditional diets and haven't been in fluenced by our 'civilisation'.
The only overweight animals on this planet are us in industrialised countries &mdash: and our pets. This is highly significant
The reason for this difference is not in how much we eat, but what we eat. Wild animals and traditional cultures eat what comes naturally — we don't. We eat what we have been led to believe is 'healthy' by people whose business's primary goals are firstly to stay in business and, secondly, to increase their market share and profit margins.
As a result, we do not eat what is natural for us as a species, but what is the most profitable for others. And the cheapest foods to produce are foods that are totally unsuitable for us.
In this section, we will illustrate what we mean.
There will also be details of news and clinical studies supporting the information on the articles in this section