14-Days' Menus
Day Six
Almond and Parmesan pancake (see Basic Recipes 1)
topped with scrambled egg or bacon pieces or tinned
meat or grated cheese and spring onions, with fried
tomato and/or mushrooms.
Follow with a piece of fruit.
Buttered sandwich packed with 50g (2 oz)
Marscapone cheese and 25g (1 oz) Parma ham.
Braised Trout
Fry 2 trout until brown and then simmer in a dish
with 2 cups white wine, 1 tbsp cider vinegar and ¼
tsp ginger until the fish flakes easily.
Simultaneously, cook 150g (5 oz) fresh or frozen
mixed vegetables until tender. Place fish on a warm
serving dish, reduce the cooking liquid by half, pour
over the fish and serve with the vegetables. Serves
Fresh fruit and cream
Day’s Total Carbohydrate: 60 g